Spin-CleanTM Oil Cleaning Centrifuges
Spin-Clean is a true centrifuge that, when sized properly, will remove the wear abrasives from the oil down to less than one micron. This will reduce engine wear a minimum of 40 – 50%. The properly sized centrifuge recommended for your engine will not use more than 10% of the engine oil pump output. (10% is the acceptable measure by engine Model 75 & 75-1 manufactures for by-pass (side stream) oil cleaning.) The 10% taken to supply the Centrifuge does not negatively impact the oil demanded by the engine.
The lube oil cleaning Centrifuge removes the solids from the engine oil using centrifugal force, a force of 1000 “G’s”, or 1000 times the force of gravity. These solids are stored inside of the rotating turbine bowl, which will hold more than 10 times the solids of your engines full-flow filters. The act of exposing the oil to 1000 “G’s” is what results in micron removal less than one. Once the particles have been removed the clean oil is then returned to the oil pan.
Engine Manufacturers typically install full-flow filters that only remove particles from oil down to 20 – 25 micron. With the addition of Spin-Clean, particles below 1 micron are removed, thus significantly increasing engine life. Time between oil change intervals is also increased saving the user time & money. Equally as important, the addition of Spin-Clean to an engine/package will significantly reduce hazardous waste, which positively impacts our environment.
Oil is the life-blood of an engine and the cleanliness of that oil can directly impact the efficiency of the engine, life of the engine, and environment. When properly sized, Spin-Clean cycles the engine oil 4 times per hour ensuring proper solid particle extraction. With proper maintenance, Spin-Clean will increase engine life & oil change interval up to, but not limited to, 40- 50%. Another Spin-Clean benefit, often overlooked, is its use as a diagnostic tool. The waste material extracted from the oil can be analyzed for several engine related problems. (ie. Coolant leaks, bearing wear).
Spin Clean Models

Flow Rate GPM
(Based on 10% of Oil Pump Flow Rate) 1 GPM

Flow Rate GPM
(Based on 10% of Oil Pump Flow Rate) 2 GPM

Flow Rate GPM
(Based on 10% of Oil Pump Flow Rate) 4 GPM

Flow Rate GPM
(Based on 10% of Oil Pump Flow Rate) 4 GPM

Flow Rate GPM
(Based on 10% of Oil Pump Flow Rate) MODEL 1000-8: 8 GPM
MODEL 1000-12: 12 GPM
MODEL 1000: 16 GPM